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Informal Sincerities (Pre-Sale / Signed Author Copy)

$25.00 USD On sale

Image of Informal Sincerities (Pre-Sale / Signed Author Copy)

Informal Sincerities (PRE-SALE SIGNED AUTHOR COPY)

Purchasing this package gets you;


- 1 Digital Copy of Informal Sincerities (Upon Purchase to email)
- 1 Signed / Numbered Physical Author Copy of Informal Sincerities when released (Apx. Feb 20th, possibly a little later depending on publishing time)
- Personalized Thank You Letter
- 1 Happy Dead Sticker

Includes everything in basic package plus;

- 1 Original Signed Painting by Chris Duda (3x5/4x6)
- 1 Signed Chris Duda "Pop Portrait"
- 1 Sticker Pack of stickers by Chris Duda
- 1 Chris Duda Enamel Pin
- 1 Happy Dead Button
- 2 Signed 4x6 Chris Duda Art Prints
- 50% Off Custom Canvas Commission Coupon (Good for 1 painting any size, 50% off normal retail pricing)

(Limit 50 copies of First Run, Special Edition Author Copies, Signed / Numbered by Chris Duda)
(Copy number depends on order number. 1st order gets copy 1/50)

Reminder; This is a presale. You will receive your digital copy of Informal Sincerities if you provide an email within a week of purchase. Once the physical copies are printed and shipped, I will get them, sign them, and send out the packages. You will be notified throughout the process on your order and an updated eta whenever you ask. Thank you for the support!!!